My friend Reuven wanted me to use a framework called Three20 in the context of a project I am doing for XMPie, but the person who really pushed me into it is Yosi Taguri of who gave me a crash course on Three20.
So, I am working now on converting the XMPie project to Three20, and I spent the last couple of hours on trying to get the launcher view work with some images that are of unknown sizes. I initially thought I will have to sub-class the launcher view and all its related classes (TTLauncherItem, TTLauncherButton), but this is of course the wrong way of doing things in Three20...
There is a better way which is to use the stylesheet mechansim of Three20. I read the tutorial by Matt Vague (Three20 stylesheets tutorial), but it was not enough to get what I wanted.
What really helped me figure this one out is a tool named TTStyleBuilder by a guy named Keith Lazuka.
finally I was able to create the following style in my stylesheet to get the images to behave:
[TTPartStyle styleWithName:@"image" style: TTSTYLESTATE(launcherButtonImageXM:, state) next:
[TTTextStyle styleWithFont:[UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:11] color:RGBCOLOR(180, 180,180)
minimumFontSize:11 shadowColor:nil shadowOffset:CGSizeZero
textAlignment:UITextAlignmentCenter verticalAlignment:UIControlContentVerticalAlignmentBottom
lineBreakMode:UILineBreakModeClip numberOfLines:1 next:nil]];
// Our launcher button image style
- (TTStyle*)launcherButtonImageXM:(UIControlState)state {
TTStyle* style =
[TTShapeStyle styleWithShape:[TTRoundedRectangleShape
shapeWithRadius:8] next:
[TTBoxStyle styleWithMargin:UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, 0, 0, 0)
padding:UIEdgeInsetsMake(22, 22, 22, 22)
minSize:CGSizeMake(0, 0)
position:TTPositionStatic next:
[TTImageStyle styleWithImageURL:nil defaultImage:nil contentMode:UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit
size:CGSizeMake(57, 57) next:nil
if (state == UIControlStateHighlighted || state == UIControlStateSelected) {
[style addStyle:
[TTBlendStyle styleWithBlend:kCGBlendModeSourceAtop next:
[TTSolidFillStyle styleWithColor:RGBACOLOR(0,0,0,0.5) next:nil]]];
return style;
You use this style in the launcher by setting the style property of the launcher item: = @"launcherButtonXM:";
[_launcherView addItem:launcherItem animated:YES];
[_launcherView addItem:launcherItem animated:YES];
Three20 is cool!
[Edit] Based on some questions I got, I want to clarify that the style methods above are placed in my XMDefaultStyleSheet which is defined as an inherited class of TTDefaultStyleSheet. I create an instance of this class and set it as the default style sheet in the App Delegate applicationDidFinishLaunching method like that:
// register our stylesheet
[TTStyleSheet setGlobalStyleSheet:[[[XMPDefaultStylesheet alloc] init] autorelease]];